Category: Ask Kimi

Different Types of Lasers for Hair Removal

Since the mid-1990’s when the FDA first approved clearance, laser hair removal technology has progressed rapidly. The older generation hair laser treatments were often cumbersome, slow, and painful to the user –especially dark skin types. Thankfully today certain lasers can work on all skin types, even tanned skin, and on all areas, so if you would like to know what kind of machines for hair laser treatment are out then read on. Continue reading Different Types of Lasers for Hair Removal

Will laser hair removal treatment permanently remove hair ?

We provide for women & men permanent hair removal at our laser clinic Beaulaser London. The general opinion is that hair laser removal is considered as a “permanent hair reduction”. Generally, this means that you shouldn’t expect a laser to remove every single hair from an area. Most will also need touch-up treatments 1-2 times a year after the initial set of treatments for any new growth your body develops with age and also available for women & men permanent hair removal. Continue reading Will laser hair removal treatment permanently remove hair ?